The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Monday, October 17, 2011


It is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students.

 It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers; indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching altogether.

Classroom management is very important, why? because when you're not good at it therefore, you couldn't manage a class. In managing a class thoough it's not easy but when a teacher do such  great job, students learn to respect and follow what the teachers rule in a classroom.

- It helps create a
productive learning
Add caption
- It provides students
with structure and
achievable goals
- It helps form
responsible individuals
- It allows for various
activities to occur
during the day, with a
minimum of wasted
time and confusion
- Students know what is
expected of them
- It increases on­task time
and reduces classroom


The Importance of Evaluation

The importance of evaluation cannot be over emphasized. It is an instrument for the school system,  by the teacher, the learner, the parent, the administrator, the policy maker and the teaching profession.

Evaluation is a tool which can be used to help teachers know whether an instructional approach is being implemented and the students in itself are listening to what the instructors topic all about. It helps also to assess the extent to which goals and objectives are being achieved.

There are lots of types in terms of evaluating the students. There are quizzes, oral, exams(oral exam, hands on exam for computer subjects, written exam), activities, portfolio, reports, role play essay, and etc. 

The evaluation also must be properly sequence and has this definite and clear instructions. It is also very important that the evaluation is based or related to the topic being discussed. The best example for this, is the real life situation base on their past experiences that could easily answered or easily think what's best to create by the students. They could also flashback some things that could help to perform a good presentation and has more knowledge on that certain evaluation thing. They might find it challenging if the evaluation is unique and eye catching, something interesting and make them seek answers.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Assignment

The Assignment is the part of a lesson assigned as a particular task to the pupil/students what they are expected to accomplish in the lesson.

A good assignment should be clear, definite, and make it sure to relate to the new learning experiences in the old and new informations especially, to the contemporary issues.

And in making assignment, you should consider this :
  • Know your students
  • It is very important that as a teacher doing or preparing an assignment it should also keep in mind to identify what level of learners should take/answer on that certain assignment. 

  • Clarity of the assignment
    Describe the specifics of the assignment -- length, citation format, acceptable types of sources -- in writing. Let your students know the purpose of the assignment. If you provide a list of sources be sure to give complete titles. Make sure that students understand all the steps required to complete the assignment. It should keep in mind especially the teacher to use simple and familiar words that can easily understood by the students.
  • Try your assignment
    Put yourself in your student's shoes and do your assignment. Is the assignment possible? Is the time frame reasonable for the amount of work? Are the sources readily available?
  • Help your students
    If students will be required to do extensive library research, consider booking a library workshop. The workshop will introduce students to research strategies and tools needed for the assignment. Encourage your students to get library help in person at a reference desk.
  • http://www.lib.washington.edu/help/guides/design.html

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Learning module possesses the qualities that will make the individual an independent learner, self-pacing and progressing at his own rate, and allowing measures to meet  the needs of individual differences. 

This is my report, by the use of self pacing method w/c is module it self, students would be able to be more independent in terms in learning.

The day that I presented my report, I was so nervous and not feeling confident and not yet ready, why? Because I wasted my time before that time waiting to be interviewed by the guidance, but sad to say, I spent almost three hours and waiting patiently just to be interviewed, but nothing happens. The worse thing is, I forgot to review my notes. I wAS tense at that time, and when I hear the bell rang, I don't even know what to do, when in fact I never even read my hand outs  for my report.. I forgot what to say in front of them, Oh, crap...I said..

But later on  when I started to talk in front and tackle my report, though I never elaborate some of the hard words in my power point presentation and I haven't able to finish it before its time, but I think I did a great job!
Anyways, It's difficult to stand in front, especially when your instructor is listening and sitting right after you...know what I mean?..hehehe.

On my second day, the continuation of my report. I was satisfied and feeling relief of what I did after.. My report goes smoothly and I even deliver my report well, no hassle and they say, they all understand of my last report. So I guess I've done a very great job!

I do understand now why teachers easily got pissed off when their students never cared to listen, because I do experience that kind of thing..
And I have lots of learning during my report which will gave me some realization and techniques on how to handle a class.. hopefully...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Laboratory Method

     This is  a set of first hand learning activity where  in the individual investigate a problem, conducts experiments, observes processes and applied theories in a simulated setting.

     That day, when jingky is about to start the reporting, she prepared an activity were I never expected  that the activity is incredibly a unique and effective way in motivating the students... We all participated in the said activity. All of us really answer and and tried to remember what was the possible answer of those questions that jinky prepared for us.

     It was fun actually, it made me realize to prepare such an activity that could really participate all the students in a class, hopefully it would be grate if that happens.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I do enjoyed what the reporters activity that they've prepared for us.
Every time we were on that certain games or even question and answer portion makes us more motivated to participate in the class, especially when there's this "reward thing" to those group who wins the said activity.

I do notice that whenever the facilitator knows well and know how to handle a certain class, students never felt boredom, instead they enjoyed and understand well what the facilitator's exemplified to them. And that's what really is important, making them motivated in order for the facilitator even the teacher to achieve their  so called "OBJECTIVES" and also to have this "EFFECTIVE LEARNNGS"  towards students.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The boy in the Striped pajamas

The movie was amazing!

     It was a heart warming story were the two (2) innocent little boys namely: bruno and shmuel has this something in common, something that could gain learning's and something that is incredibly different from other movies that I've seen .I wished that the ending was different, but sadly that's what happened. The two kids and the jews people are forcefully put to a gas chamber and burn them all without pity. This shocked me to the core. And It made me and my several classmates teary eyed at that moment, because no one deserves to be treated like that.  I know it's very sad, but that's what happened back then. 

     People need to see thee things to make it sure it will never happen again. Discrimination is what the jew people experienced in that movie. It's were all it started. Indifferent beliefs and perception.

     But I was so glad and truly appreciate the friendship of the two kids built. In spite of their indifference's and even their situation, they remained good friends until their last breath while holding their  hands together.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blooms Taxonomy

      Blooms Taxonomy is a classification of the different objectives that educators set to students.

     In Cherry's report, she tackles about the The Learning Domains which has three different types namely: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor.

      The first one is Cognitive, it deals with the mental skills of the students (Knowledge). It is very important that the students are physically and mentally aware in every thing that the teacher wants to embody in the class. Second is Affective it deals with the feelings or emotion of the students (Attitude). with the use of this, students were able to seek clarification, take notes, state beliefs, question and participate in every discussion. . Every students have different characters or shall I say a uniqueness within them. One thing that a teacher observe in a class is the attitude. And lastly, the Psychomotor which deals with the physical and bodily skills into effect of (Psychomotor). Students uses their physical and bodily skills which is effective especially to develop their strength, flexibility and precision.

      With the use of these three in a descussion, by determining the students differences, surely your students will be able to think independently by interpreting, recalling, and evaluating a certain topic. In addition, they can also boost their confidence in the class.

Monday, August 1, 2011

About lesson Plan

Lesson plans are written by teachers to help them structure the learning for themselves and for the students.

Making lesson plan helps you to "own" the subjects you are teaching . When you are able to create your own lesson plan, it means you have taken a giant step toward "owning" the content you teach and the methods you use, and that is a good thing. there are fundamental components of all lesson plan that you should learn to write, revise, and improve

Teachers create lesson plans to communicate their instructional activities regarding specific subject-matter. Almost all lesson plans developed by teachers contain student learning objectives, instructional procedures, the required materials, and some written description of how the students will be evaluated.

It takes thinking and practice to hone this skill,  it is a skill that will help to define you as a teacher. Knowing "how to" is far more important than knowing "about" when it comes to lesson plan, and is one of the important markers along the way to becoming a professional teacher.

Lesson Plan..

Making lesson plan is the hardest thing to do so far.. I've learned a lot on how to make lesson plan.  Though, there's  a lot of correction on my paper the last time our instructor return our first lesson plan still, I was able to create another one. And hopefully, it wouldn't return it to me again.


 Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills from our past experiences that we normally applied in our everyday lives.  Through learning, we tend to correct and improve towards greater development and contentment into ourselves.

Learning has three characteristics as what I have learned in our previous lesson.  First, learning is fundamental. Because it is a process by which an individual acquires various habits, knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help him/her to do a great job in every field he or she does.  Second, learning is interactive.   It is said that learning is interactive because people can learn while socializing with other people.   We can use this as a tool towards an effective teacher. Interacting with the students will surely have great results and greater understanding to the students regarding the topic discussed. And with that, it would help you to easily motivate the students to participate and socialize with their peers.  The third one, learning is developmental.  We all have this "LEARNING THING" in our daily lives. With this, Developmental appears. We tend to develop what would be needed to develop towards greater satisfaction and success.  

Sunday, July 17, 2011

motivation as an essential factor for classroom effectiveness

"Teacher must motivate the students  to participate in the classroom."

 ->It is commonly assumed to be a good thing that goes in influencing individual's behavior and performance in the class. A teacher needs to be more accurate in terms of  maintaining the interest that brought students to do their best in school. 
Students may respond positively to a well-organized course taught by an enthusiastic instructor who has a genuine interest in students and what they learn. <-

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A rap for the reporters...

I definitely like how they report...
They've learned and improve their skills in reporting while discussing their assign topic to us...
Though there are  some comments, still they are not afraid to learn and they showed great confidence in the class, doing their best as they can to finish their report.
 Because of their good performance in the whole period, I was so glad seeing their improvement. 

And it gives me more idea and inspires me to do my report well...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

2nd week of our class, EDP 9

The second reporter was not that good, though she's doing her best to make us understand what her topic all about. But there is something isn't good the way she report.. she just remain in one corner while she's busy operating the computer and while she's discussing to us, and that isn't good to see, a Good teacher knows how to deal and to mingle with his or her students, not just standing in one corner and do nothing. 

This week I've learned a lot about teaching, especially when Ms. Anjie was giving her comment to the reporters of how they were discussing their assign topic to us...She made me realize to do well on my report and read lots of books as a reference.. I hope when that day comes that I would be the one who will be reporting, it will go smoothly and expected to hear some comments from my classmates and our instructor.

I wanted to learn more, to apply my knowledge, and to share it to my fellow school mates..
And I think I can make that possible.  With my determination, courage, confidence, and patience, surely as hell I can make it to the top. 


Saturday, June 25, 2011


The First presentor who is assign to report was Floyd Sarabia.

When he was reporting I notice that the way he report isn't that  good from the very beginning 'till the end of his report. He has  lots of hand gestures, he's not familiar with his topic and  he's too fast to read his power point presentation, that all of us really don't understand what his report all about. I think he has lack of explanations and confidence at that time, and he is not prepared of his topic. Though his power point presentation is good and simple. But because of his behavior and lack of understanding on his report, his performance wasn't doing well.. And maybe, hopefully, our next presentor would learn and won't do same as the first one does.   


 I know it's not  easy to face and stand in front of all your classmates, and I admire him for that.. he finish his report and accepting what his mistakes and comments from us, especially our instructor's comment.

1st day of school

When I first enter the room of our MAjor subject, I felt happy  meeting my professor and my old friends and classmates.. 1st day of our class was good. I learned a lot about "Teaching thing".

I learn that teaching isn't that easy.. it takes a lot of patience and understandings to  the students.   
To be an effective teacher, he or she must have a good qualities or shall i say, a whole package of a good Teacher....
I salute  all the teachers who have the passion in their craft like teaching, even though thier too old enough to teach, still they continue....
-continue to help the students to be more knowledgeable,
-continue to mold and enhance their capacity.