The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Importance of Evaluation

The importance of evaluation cannot be over emphasized. It is an instrument for the school system,  by the teacher, the learner, the parent, the administrator, the policy maker and the teaching profession.

Evaluation is a tool which can be used to help teachers know whether an instructional approach is being implemented and the students in itself are listening to what the instructors topic all about. It helps also to assess the extent to which goals and objectives are being achieved.

There are lots of types in terms of evaluating the students. There are quizzes, oral, exams(oral exam, hands on exam for computer subjects, written exam), activities, portfolio, reports, role play essay, and etc. 

The evaluation also must be properly sequence and has this definite and clear instructions. It is also very important that the evaluation is based or related to the topic being discussed. The best example for this, is the real life situation base on their past experiences that could easily answered or easily think what's best to create by the students. They could also flashback some things that could help to perform a good presentation and has more knowledge on that certain evaluation thing. They might find it challenging if the evaluation is unique and eye catching, something interesting and make them seek answers.

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