The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Assignment

The Assignment is the part of a lesson assigned as a particular task to the pupil/students what they are expected to accomplish in the lesson.

A good assignment should be clear, definite, and make it sure to relate to the new learning experiences in the old and new informations especially, to the contemporary issues.

And in making assignment, you should consider this :
  • Know your students
  • It is very important that as a teacher doing or preparing an assignment it should also keep in mind to identify what level of learners should take/answer on that certain assignment. 

  • Clarity of the assignment
    Describe the specifics of the assignment -- length, citation format, acceptable types of sources -- in writing. Let your students know the purpose of the assignment. If you provide a list of sources be sure to give complete titles. Make sure that students understand all the steps required to complete the assignment. It should keep in mind especially the teacher to use simple and familiar words that can easily understood by the students.
  • Try your assignment
    Put yourself in your student's shoes and do your assignment. Is the assignment possible? Is the time frame reasonable for the amount of work? Are the sources readily available?
  • Help your students
    If students will be required to do extensive library research, consider booking a library workshop. The workshop will introduce students to research strategies and tools needed for the assignment. Encourage your students to get library help in person at a reference desk.
  • http://www.lib.washington.edu/help/guides/design.html

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