The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

2nd week of our class, EDP 9

The second reporter was not that good, though she's doing her best to make us understand what her topic all about. But there is something isn't good the way she report.. she just remain in one corner while she's busy operating the computer and while she's discussing to us, and that isn't good to see, a Good teacher knows how to deal and to mingle with his or her students, not just standing in one corner and do nothing. 

This week I've learned a lot about teaching, especially when Ms. Anjie was giving her comment to the reporters of how they were discussing their assign topic to us...She made me realize to do well on my report and read lots of books as a reference.. I hope when that day comes that I would be the one who will be reporting, it will go smoothly and expected to hear some comments from my classmates and our instructor.

I wanted to learn more, to apply my knowledge, and to share it to my fellow school mates..
And I think I can make that possible.  With my determination, courage, confidence, and patience, surely as hell I can make it to the top. 


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