The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Graduation At last!

The things in life is difficult to deal with. But with your perseverance and Faith with God above, nothing can stop you in whatever goals you want to achieve.

College is difficult yet amazing! Know why? Because everything that you didn't imagine to do, is what you did in college. I am sort of simple and innocent type of girl before.  I didn't participate in a class nor standing in front of all people.   But when I enter College, I did it all. I boost my confidence, having a hard time to learn how to dance but I made it, speaking in front of a class and acting like a teacher, doing the best effort that I can in order for me to earn points in oral or activities, on the spot acting, making books, didn't have much sleep just to finish the projects and reviewing the up coming exam, and unexpected happenings!  most of them are those embarrassing moment that I never imagine to happen. Those were the days where I learn a lot. It made me grow and be responsible in everything that I do.

I didn't realize how fast the days are. I remember before, I always wanted to drag the days just to imagine the graduation ceremony and my diploma. And now, the long wait is over! I am now a College Graduate. For all the things that I have experienced. The learning's, the sad moments, the happy moments, the exams, the quizzes, the activities, the projects, term papers, blogs, and so on.... I'ts all worth it! for I now have my degree that i'm wishing for a long time. I am happy not just because of my self, but I am happier knowing that my parents will now also graduated. Imagine all of their hard work just to sent me to school.  For all the things they wanted has been ignored because of my education. Because of their undying support, for loving me, for understanding, for not ignoring all of  my demands, I am now a professional. And for that I offer this achievement to them.  They are the best parents that I ever had. Thanks a lot ma and pa, you did a very great job!


Unknown said...

Congrats my sissy we love you and support you much :)mwah

Unknown said...

congratz sissy

Anonymous said...

wow! ur blog is nice.. great job!

Anonymous said...

wow! ur blog is great! nice job!

Anonymous said...

wow! ur blog is great! nice job!

Anonymous said...

wow! ur blog is great! nice job!

kris bogani said...
