The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Unexpected Decision

We work  to live. We work to survive. We work to socialize. And the most important thing, We work to earn respect. But, what if you are working with a sarcastic person? dare to work with?

As I go in and out my new working place, I notice how my boss treat her employees. It's kinda awful, actually. When someone has even this slightest mistakes, she then nags and swear to the most unbearable yet so hard to forget words to say to someone. It makes you feel be little that you might wanted to  disappear from that moment on. How tough it is. Is it because your boss is in the higher level of your community then she can do what ever she wants? or because she has the authority to command her employees, she thinks she has the right to humiliate her people? well, that's a stupid thinking.

along the way, I already knew the secrets of that company. of what are their bad attitudes towards their employee. And now I know why they still keeps on accepting applicants. Because no one can take any longer for all the inhuman things they done to them, to those poor people who never had any chance to stand for themselves. So I decided that  if I still keeps on coming in here, I might be like them. And I don't want that to happen. I mean, not in my entire life did some one calling me a SHIT, or what ever words she says.. But she is so difficult to deal w/.  She has this tantrums and a fickle minded person.. Sometimes, she's in a good mood, but later on she might talk to you and giving you some instructions and then the next 2 hours! she's mad like hell.. Oh my GOd! I can't take it any longer.. So I decided to resign and find another Job ^_^
And now, I am jobless. I am seeking Jobs in the internet, walk in interviews and so on.. It's so hard to find a job now a days.. But I never regret it. I am happy now. For I will go forward to my next chapter of my journey. Hopefully, it will be a sort of good job for me.

And this quote is for you all <3

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Career Woman

Just this morning, :D I started to work as office staff in a private company which is located near by our house. I wake up early in the morning feeling great, happy, and excited for I am now a career woman and it feels great knowing that you can now earn money by yourself. At first, I was feeling a little bit  nervous and worry of what will I gonna be if I am starting to work. I don't want to expect something. But surely, it's gonna be different and hard. But I'm gonna make this all thru. For I know, God is with me all the time. He will surely find a way not to make things difficult for me. And am sure of that. 

As i walked down in the lobby after lunch, I realize how hard it is working in an office facing lots of papers in your desk, facing millions of thousands of hundreds of money that you wish it's true, that  you wish you own all of them. Hahaha! you cant think of the time when your working, your only focus on your work and the things that you must  have to finish right there and then with a lot of bosses in your surroundings that they think your an angel for them. But at the back of their mind, you'll gonna be my servant! whaaat? lol.

But all in  all, my day is great! Coz I love what am doing, even if it's sooooo tiring, sooo stressful. But i'ts what I like, and the more you like your job? the more you'll feel great!...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Graduation At last!

The things in life is difficult to deal with. But with your perseverance and Faith with God above, nothing can stop you in whatever goals you want to achieve.

College is difficult yet amazing! Know why? Because everything that you didn't imagine to do, is what you did in college. I am sort of simple and innocent type of girl before.  I didn't participate in a class nor standing in front of all people.   But when I enter College, I did it all. I boost my confidence, having a hard time to learn how to dance but I made it, speaking in front of a class and acting like a teacher, doing the best effort that I can in order for me to earn points in oral or activities, on the spot acting, making books, didn't have much sleep just to finish the projects and reviewing the up coming exam, and unexpected happenings!  most of them are those embarrassing moment that I never imagine to happen. Those were the days where I learn a lot. It made me grow and be responsible in everything that I do.

I didn't realize how fast the days are. I remember before, I always wanted to drag the days just to imagine the graduation ceremony and my diploma. And now, the long wait is over! I am now a College Graduate. For all the things that I have experienced. The learning's, the sad moments, the happy moments, the exams, the quizzes, the activities, the projects, term papers, blogs, and so on.... I'ts all worth it! for I now have my degree that i'm wishing for a long time. I am happy not just because of my self, but I am happier knowing that my parents will now also graduated. Imagine all of their hard work just to sent me to school.  For all the things they wanted has been ignored because of my education. Because of their undying support, for loving me, for understanding, for not ignoring all of  my demands, I am now a professional. And for that I offer this achievement to them.  They are the best parents that I ever had. Thanks a lot ma and pa, you did a very great job!