The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


The First presentor who is assign to report was Floyd Sarabia.

When he was reporting I notice that the way he report isn't that  good from the very beginning 'till the end of his report. He has  lots of hand gestures, he's not familiar with his topic and  he's too fast to read his power point presentation, that all of us really don't understand what his report all about. I think he has lack of explanations and confidence at that time, and he is not prepared of his topic. Though his power point presentation is good and simple. But because of his behavior and lack of understanding on his report, his performance wasn't doing well.. And maybe, hopefully, our next presentor would learn and won't do same as the first one does.   


 I know it's not  easy to face and stand in front of all your classmates, and I admire him for that.. he finish his report and accepting what his mistakes and comments from us, especially our instructor's comment.

1st day of school

When I first enter the room of our MAjor subject, I felt happy  meeting my professor and my old friends and classmates.. 1st day of our class was good. I learned a lot about "Teaching thing".

I learn that teaching isn't that easy.. it takes a lot of patience and understandings to  the students.   
To be an effective teacher, he or she must have a good qualities or shall i say, a whole package of a good Teacher....
I salute  all the teachers who have the passion in their craft like teaching, even though thier too old enough to teach, still they continue....
-continue to help the students to be more knowledgeable,
-continue to mold and enhance their capacity.