The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Laboratory Method

     This is  a set of first hand learning activity where  in the individual investigate a problem, conducts experiments, observes processes and applied theories in a simulated setting.

     That day, when jingky is about to start the reporting, she prepared an activity were I never expected  that the activity is incredibly a unique and effective way in motivating the students... We all participated in the said activity. All of us really answer and and tried to remember what was the possible answer of those questions that jinky prepared for us.

     It was fun actually, it made me realize to prepare such an activity that could really participate all the students in a class, hopefully it would be grate if that happens.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I do enjoyed what the reporters activity that they've prepared for us.
Every time we were on that certain games or even question and answer portion makes us more motivated to participate in the class, especially when there's this "reward thing" to those group who wins the said activity.

I do notice that whenever the facilitator knows well and know how to handle a certain class, students never felt boredom, instead they enjoyed and understand well what the facilitator's exemplified to them. And that's what really is important, making them motivated in order for the facilitator even the teacher to achieve their  so called "OBJECTIVES" and also to have this "EFFECTIVE LEARNNGS"  towards students.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The boy in the Striped pajamas

The movie was amazing!

     It was a heart warming story were the two (2) innocent little boys namely: bruno and shmuel has this something in common, something that could gain learning's and something that is incredibly different from other movies that I've seen .I wished that the ending was different, but sadly that's what happened. The two kids and the jews people are forcefully put to a gas chamber and burn them all without pity. This shocked me to the core. And It made me and my several classmates teary eyed at that moment, because no one deserves to be treated like that.  I know it's very sad, but that's what happened back then. 

     People need to see thee things to make it sure it will never happen again. Discrimination is what the jew people experienced in that movie. It's were all it started. Indifferent beliefs and perception.

     But I was so glad and truly appreciate the friendship of the two kids built. In spite of their indifference's and even their situation, they remained good friends until their last breath while holding their  hands together.