The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blooms Taxonomy

      Blooms Taxonomy is a classification of the different objectives that educators set to students.

     In Cherry's report, she tackles about the The Learning Domains which has three different types namely: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor.

      The first one is Cognitive, it deals with the mental skills of the students (Knowledge). It is very important that the students are physically and mentally aware in every thing that the teacher wants to embody in the class. Second is Affective it deals with the feelings or emotion of the students (Attitude). with the use of this, students were able to seek clarification, take notes, state beliefs, question and participate in every discussion. . Every students have different characters or shall I say a uniqueness within them. One thing that a teacher observe in a class is the attitude. And lastly, the Psychomotor which deals with the physical and bodily skills into effect of (Psychomotor). Students uses their physical and bodily skills which is effective especially to develop their strength, flexibility and precision.

      With the use of these three in a descussion, by determining the students differences, surely your students will be able to think independently by interpreting, recalling, and evaluating a certain topic. In addition, they can also boost their confidence in the class.

Monday, August 1, 2011

About lesson Plan

Lesson plans are written by teachers to help them structure the learning for themselves and for the students.

Making lesson plan helps you to "own" the subjects you are teaching . When you are able to create your own lesson plan, it means you have taken a giant step toward "owning" the content you teach and the methods you use, and that is a good thing. there are fundamental components of all lesson plan that you should learn to write, revise, and improve

Teachers create lesson plans to communicate their instructional activities regarding specific subject-matter. Almost all lesson plans developed by teachers contain student learning objectives, instructional procedures, the required materials, and some written description of how the students will be evaluated.

It takes thinking and practice to hone this skill,  it is a skill that will help to define you as a teacher. Knowing "how to" is far more important than knowing "about" when it comes to lesson plan, and is one of the important markers along the way to becoming a professional teacher.

Lesson Plan..

Making lesson plan is the hardest thing to do so far.. I've learned a lot on how to make lesson plan.  Though, there's  a lot of correction on my paper the last time our instructor return our first lesson plan still, I was able to create another one. And hopefully, it wouldn't return it to me again.


 Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills from our past experiences that we normally applied in our everyday lives.  Through learning, we tend to correct and improve towards greater development and contentment into ourselves.

Learning has three characteristics as what I have learned in our previous lesson.  First, learning is fundamental. Because it is a process by which an individual acquires various habits, knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help him/her to do a great job in every field he or she does.  Second, learning is interactive.   It is said that learning is interactive because people can learn while socializing with other people.   We can use this as a tool towards an effective teacher. Interacting with the students will surely have great results and greater understanding to the students regarding the topic discussed. And with that, it would help you to easily motivate the students to participate and socialize with their peers.  The third one, learning is developmental.  We all have this "LEARNING THING" in our daily lives. With this, Developmental appears. We tend to develop what would be needed to develop towards greater satisfaction and success.